Continue to other bases and repeat steps 2 and 3.Move to your third base (if you have one) and repeat steps 2 and 3.Move to your second base and repeat step 2 and 3.Now you might be thinking, "In a big battle, I won't have time to do all of these little things with my Queen, let alone on multiple bases!" Well, here are some techniques to help you inject faster and keep your swarm up and running. Her third ability is the Transfuse ability, which is a sort of healing ability which can be used on your units and buildings and is a lifesaver when you are using multiple queens together. Truly, it's the way to make the swarm your own. When you have multiple bases, doing this as much as possible leads you being able to mass a massive amount of units in a short time. So if you get a feel for the timing, you can keep your Hatchery permanently injected.

Coincidentally, 40 seconds is also about the time it takes for a queen to regain 25 energy, the amount needed for the Inject Larvae ability. When this timer ends, It takes 40 seconds, four additional larvae will spawn for your use.

When used on your Hatchery, a timer will appear above the hatchery. Her second ability, and the most important for this section of the guide, is the Inject Larvae ability. This creates a Creep Tumor at the target location which spreads creep (the grey liquid covering the floor around) which gives a boost of speed to all of your units while on it. Her first ability, the one on the left in the picture, is Spawn Creep Tumor. Once you have morphed in a Spawning Pool, you get access to the Queen, which has three main abilities, two of which are crucial to your life as a Zerg Player.