I’m still trying to figure out what causes it, but a game restart is a temporary solution. Occasionally the hands or feet of Sims disappear when adjusting the height. belly mask 4 overlay - 5 colors all ages & genders body highlight 9 - 50 colors kids only & all. if you’re like me, you may struggle sourcing cc that can be used on fat sims.

The studio body is an optional additional skin applier that offers more realism for your sims. Hello New skin overlay athletic, features defined abs, back muscles & thigh muscles, back dimples, palm details, & more. Animations between between Sims of different heights will clip. the ultimate fat sim cc masterlist berie.

This item was voted for by my patrons last month :) I already have a sawyer sweat set that mostly has solid colors so I decided to do mostly patterns for this set and I'm super happy with how it turned out (especially the adorable froggy swatch 🥺). + Skin Overlay (24 Swatches) + Tray files STUDIO BODY (Tattoo).

Cozy Sweatshirt (#51) & Cozy Shorts (#52) for Toddlers - TØMMERAAS