This molecule is an isotope which is actively absorbed by most active cancer cells in the body. During the test, a small dosage of a Radioactive Tracers is injected into the patient. PET Scan: The Positron Emission Tomography or PET Scan component marks most actively isotope uptake cells in the body.5000/- will be applicable in case of no-show, late-show or cancellation after 8 pm the day prior. The test may not be performable if you are late for the appointment. Since a special time-sensitive FDG dose is procured for you, please be on time for your appointment. Please carry all your medical records to assist in the better report detailing and correlation. For best results, please abstain from smoking for at least 03 days prior to your test. Do not consume excess sugar/starch/alcohol on the night before a test. Incase your blood sugar levels are not under control, please plan your appointment after controlling your Blood Sugar levels with your treating physician. This test can only be performed if Blood sugar is less than 150 mg/dL at the time of testing. For diabetic patients, please inform us at time of PET CT Scan FDG booking so needful guidance can be given to you. Blood test report for Urea and Creatinine is mandatory. Please check CT Abdomen PET-CT Scan with Triple Phase price in Delhi NCR, centers and other details here.Ĥ-6 hours of fasting is required. This test is most commonly used for Detection, Staging and Treatment Response for the Cancer in the body.

Activity within your body is then detected by the PET scanner which shows how tissue and organs are working. Radioactive glucose is injected and then taken up by tissues, which are in fasting state in your body. The PET-CT is a nuclear medicine imaging test used commonly to detect a range of cancers, heart diseases, neurological conditions, infections and PUO, Pyrexia of Unknown Origin. The PET CT Scan with Triple Phase Abdomen involves a Whole Body PET-CT Scan along with a special Triple Phase Evaluation for the Upper Abdomen.